Runner Runner Poker

Posted : admin On 7/24/2022

That was completed or improved significantly using the turn and river cards. EXAMPLE: 'I made a runner-runner straight. It was unbelievably lucky.' APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues. GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games. USAGE: Describes a hand. RELATED TERMS: Backdoor, Bad Beat, Drawing Dead, Drawing Hand, Outdraw, Outrun, Runner. A runner-runner draw can be thought of as a draw to a draw, or a draw that takes two cards and two betting rounds to complete. The term is frequently used in Texas Hold’em games, when a player flops.

  1. A poker hand which is made by hitting cards on both the turn and the river.
  2. A descriptor of a made hand created by hitting cards on both the turn and the river.

Popular Uses


Runner Runner Poker Scene

I flopped a straight and got all my money in with the best hand, but hearts fell on the turn and river to give my opponent a runner-runner flush. -Unknown


Danny Nguyen is widely considered one of the luckiest World Poker Tour winners of all time. Ever have a one half of one percent chance to win a hand and actually pull it off? Danny Nguyen did. In reality, while this hand was still a suckout, it wasn't as huge of one as it seemed, as all of the chips got in the pot when Nguyen still had a 30 percent chance to win. The order the cards came out, however, made for some great runner-runner excitement.

Runner Runner Poker

Runner Runner Poker Film

Related Terms

Runner Runner Poker

Runner, Backdoor, Suckout, Draw