Car Bingo
Posted : admin On 7/27/2022CAR TRIP BINGO is a race to get four in a row, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally! RULE: the cars have to be coming towards us! There are three different game sheets to download. Click here to download your FREE Car Trip Bingo Game. Car Bingo 🚗😀 Free W/ any single item or multi item bundle purchase of $13 or more (after all discounts given) 1 pack of Vehicle Bingo for a total of up to 4 players. 4 bingo cards & 3 Black white board markers W/ erase tops to mark your board & erase when game is Over. Bingo Cars are the most trendy and friendly designed car, get it to let the kids enjoy their playtime enthusiastically. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled.
Print Your own Free Car Bingo Games!
Printable car games travel games Free Printable Car Games & Activities
Getting ready for a Road Trip with kids? Be prepared with a few free printable travel games to take with you in the car. These are great for kids. Here are some direct links to items you can print and play. Stash them in the car and pull them out as a surprise when they run out of other things to do.
Here are two different Car Bingo games. Each has 4 different cards with the items scrambled up. Print enough for each person to have one from each game. Pennies make good card markers, or you can print fresh ones for each trip and check off items with a pencil.
They fit into a quart sized zipper bag that you can write on with a dry erase marker and use over and over! You may even want to print these game sheets on card-stock paper and laminate them, so you can keep them in your box of travel goodies so they’ll last for several trips.
Printable pages – click to print
There are 8 different bingo cards. Print them individually below, or print ALL the Bingo Cards from a PDF file. The links below open in a new window, and there is one card per page. Just click the print button or use your browser print feature.
Roadside Items – Printable Roadside Bingo
Roadside Bingo Card 1
Roadside Bingo Card 2
Roadside Bingo Card 3
Roadside Bingo Card 4

Free Printable Bingo Sheets
Vehicles / Cars – Printable Car Bingo
Car Bingo Card 1
Car Bingo Card 2
Car Bingo Card 3
Car Bingo Card 4
Or, click below for a PDF file with all 8 bingo cards at once:
Traditional Bingo is also VERY popular with kids in the car, especially if there is a prize involved. Keep playing until everybody wins! See this article to find out more about a travel version of traditional bingo for kids with the call letters, and sliding doors so you don’t lose pieces!
More Totally Free Printable Car Games at
- Lines and Dots Game
- Tic Tac Toe
- Travel Scavenger Hunt
- Battleships
- Sing Along Road Trip Song Lyrics for Kids
- Instructions for String Games (See also my Youtube channel with detailed videos for over 40 string figures!)
- Crazy Eights & Old Maid – Card Game Rules
- License Plate Game
- Printable Cootie Catcher (Fortune Teller)
- Travel Tickets
- How Much Farther
- Bug Collecting (Improved “Slug Bug” with no violence!)
Click here for my ENTIRE collection of
Free Printable Car Games!
Car Bingo

Car Bingo Near Me
Important Information
Car Bingo Game
- Please note that ALL PERSONS arriving for Bingo in a vehicle MUST purchase either Indoor Admission, Driver’s Admission Package with vehicle and parking or Passenger’s Admission Package (no vehicle or parking).
- After purchasing an Admission Package, players may choose from several add-on purchases, such as Xtra Flash Ticket bundles, Xtra Special Games, Xtra Strips, or Xtra Strip Specials (Wonder Woman & American Heroes)
- Indoor Seating Rules are as follows:
- Seating is provided on a first-come, first-served basis after guests have picked up their admission packages in the parking lot. There is no saving of seats.
- Each seating space is designated per table to comply with social distancing guidelines. Please do not move chairs from their designated spaces.
- A mask or face covering must always be worn while inside the bingo hall.
- Food is NOT PERMITTED inside the bingo hall. Water and soft drinks are OK.
- Guests may adjust their masks momentarily to drink.
- To limit the total number of guests inside the hall, there will be no sales at the Flash desks. Guests may purchase Flash and extra game packs from floor workers inside the hall or online with their buy in.
- All guests must be 18-years of age or older to be admitted to the hall.
- Parking for indoor guests will be in the spaces on the side of the building and in the rows closest to Nelson Avenue. These spaces will be spaced normally and will not be designated with Orange Cones.
- Parking spaces designated by Orange Cones are reserved for Drive-In players only and will be in the first four rows directly in front of the building.
- Designated handicapped spaces may be used by either indoor or Drive-In guests, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Drive-In Rules are as follows:
- All players MUST always stay in their vehicles, except to use the restrooms.
- All passengers in vehicle must be at least 18 years of age.
- To limit the total number of guests inside the hall, there will be no sales at the Flash desks. Drive-In guests may purchase Flash and extra game packs from floor workers in the parking lot or online with their buy in.
- No lawn chairs or tailgating allowed. No exceptions.
- Only five guests are allowed in each restroom at any one time.
- Face coverings must be worn whenever you are outside your vehicle.
- Parking spaces designated by Orange Cones are reserved for Drive-In players only and will be in the first four rows directly in front of the building.
- Designated handicapped spaces may be used by either indoor or Drive-In guests, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- For more information, please contact
What Should I Bring?
Car Bingo Printouts
- Food and beverages (if you are playing Drive-In only), no food is permitted inside the hall
- Flashlights/camping lights
- Face coverings (must be worn outside vehicles and inside the hall)
- Scotch tape and/or paper clips
- Dashboard sun visor